Best exfoliates for clogged pores and reasons for clogging for sensitive skin


Why pores are clogged?

Whenever our pores are clogged it's so easy for us to blame our skin care products or makeup for causing that but they might not play a role, it might be just your skin that's clogging up by itself.

Everyone does experience clogged pores and a lot of the poor care tips out there. We’re diving deeper into the root cause of clogged pores.

Major Causes:

 Major causes of clogged pores are:

  • the viscosity of your sebum, your own sebum can be a very comedogenic ingredient to you when it gets oxidized.       
  • Slow down cell turnover or overgrowth of keratin; overgrowth of skin cells.
  •  Too much oil over produce sebum.

 Everyone has pores where your hair grows but it is also the way your sebum that is your oil can travel under your skin to the outside of your skin to soften and moisturize and protect your skin so the problem occurs when it closes.

Actually your pore membrane or pathway or your sebum tunnel is blocked whether there is an increase in keratin skin cells along the path or something else blocking the other side of the tunnel so your sebum is trapped under the skin and that will eventually appear white or with blackheads .

However when your skin decides to send white blood cells to help it results in the event of an inflammatory rash.

Cause is not always make up products;

Most of the times we do think it's the skin care products or the makeup products or the dirt, bacteria, sweat or pollutants are the demons. But our own skin is the culprit and the cause of clogged pores, these products are not the root cause of clogged pores.  

For any skin care product or cosmetic ingredient to be a little less comedogenic it usually requires at least 40 to 50 combinations.

UV Exposure:

The root cause for your clogged pores is thickened waxy gloopy sebum. Your own oil becoming comedogenic because of lipid peroxidation or squalene oxidation,  it's basically your sebum your natural oil getting oxidized by UV exposure or environmental stressors or anything that cause oxidative stress there's something called squalene it serves many different purposes including naturally moisturizing your skin, making your skin feeling really soft, flexible. However, this is very prone to oxidation it is very unstable and once this does get oxidized it becomes comedogenic.


Physical Exfoliation VS Chemical Exfoliation:

In this blog we get a glimpse of how to go through the physical exfoliants as well as how to go through the chemical exfoliants. However, you don't need to exofoliate your skin too often because it may cause disruption of skin barriers and results in skin blemishes. Although exofoliation must have some advantages. Exfoliation improves your skin texture, removes dullness, helps with hyperpigmentation, wrinkles and increase collagen growth.
Physical exfoliants are too harsh for your face although they are cost effective. You might use it for your body like strawberries, salt, sugar, some other fruit pits. They usually clear upper most layer of your skin but chemical exfoliants works deeply.

Sun Screen: 

So the very first skincare tip is to wear your sunscreen every single day if possible.

There has been a study conducted on a single-human sampling  study on squalene and exposed that to UV rays for about four hours and they noticed that comedogenicity or clogginess was basically increased. 


Vitamin E And Glutathione:

Add antioxidants to slow down or fight lipoperoxidation rather than other effects of squalene oxidation not only strengthens your sebum and makes it more comedogenic but also removes the antioxidant that naturally occurs on our skin including vitamin E and and glutathione. So it is a good idea to add some antioxidants back to your system so that your skin can fight off free radical and slow oxidative stress to prevent squalene from combining with oxidizing agents.

initially vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E these three ingredients are widely talked about and are often referred to in many studies that are suggested as high antioxidants on your skin but if you have closed pores and acne and if these two worries it would highly recommend you invest in a much larger vitamin A product and that is a retinal product.

If you do have extremely oily skin green tea as your main antioxidant source would be a wonderful idea because not only does it have one of the most potent antioxidant compound called catechin in it but it also does regulate your sebum production; managing the entire oil factory of yours.


Another cause of clogged pores is dysfunction of skin cellular turnover.

if there are constantly dead skin cells being built up on the other side of the your skin, it does become a headache because your sebum have nowhere to actually pump out or excrete. Hyperkeratinization which is basically an overgrowth of your own skin cells so there are a lot of new skin cells that are growing inside and outside of your skin creating congestion. Basically solution for this is to invest in one of the three ingredients retinol vitamin A, AHA or BHA or all three of them. You just know how to space it out so that you don't over irritate your skin.

AHA gently dissolves the bonds between the dead skin cells so when your skin is naturally turning over it makes it is easier for your skin to naturally expel dead skin cells finally because before then your dead skin cells are clumped up all together having a really tight bond with one another. So BHA or salicylic acid would be a wonderful idea if you do struggle with open  comedones or blackheads. Glycolic acid and lactic acid are the most familiar AHA.

BHA is an oil-soluble chemical exfoliant that makes it very easy to get to your pore lines and clean up that clogged pore.

Vitamin A:

Vitamin A commonly called as retinol or retinoid, when it comes to clogged pores vitamin A does serve a lot of great purposes not only it smoothens the skin but it normalizes the entire skin cell regeneration ratio. it also  addressing the hyperkeratinization issue; the overgrowth of skin cells and since it is a fat soluble ingredient it knows how to travel down into the pore lining  ensure everything is clear and there's no inflammation.

Main cause to clogged pores is definitely over produced sebum or highly activated oil factory resulting for your pores to be clogged from inside and out.

Hormonal Imbalance:

A lot of women would experience some clogged pores just before their period and that's when the hormonal imbalance happens or when the male hormones is actually more dominant. The male hormone is something that does affect your sebaceous gland more.

Cortisol which is a stress hormone within our body that can eventually reach the sebaceous gland to produce more oil so whenever you are stressed you have a lot of fat making it a little bit easier for your pores to be blocked this could be also be dealt with. In this regard look at ingredients such as niacinamide, zinc and also green tea, those three ingredients would really help regulate your sebum production.

Facial Oils:

 It is highly recommend to use some facial oils that are higher in linoleic acid. It's because a lot of people who do have acne prone skin tend to have a deficiency in linoleic acid on their sebum so by adding a facial oil that is rich and higher in linoleic acid can definitely balance out your sebum production and it can change the quality of the oil and the viscosity of the oil that you are producing. Some other oils are rose hip seed oil, safflower seed oil, hemp seed oil, jojoba,grape seed oil these are all rich oils that are higher in linoleic acid that can change your oil quality for sure.


when it comes to diet do cut out dairy, sugar and high glycemic foods these do have a tendency to raise your insulin level which has a tendency to signal your sebaceous gland to produce more oil.

However, exfoliation helps your skin to rejuvenate but you don't have to be harsh while scrubbing. It not only facilitate in oil control but also enhance blood circulation and gives glow.

Here is the link to check out some exfoliation products: 


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