How to make money online by blogging: write a blog

 If you have no idea where to actually begin blogging how to start a blog and launch it the right way where you make money on day even with zero experience.

Many single mothers out there pinteresting away how they've made passive income with their blog and maybe you want to start a blog you want to start your own website you want to start documenting the things that you're passionate about and you want to start making money doing the things that you love doing but you just have no idea where to actually get started well I’m going to tell you how to set it up with less than 10 minutes as well as launching it so you're not just having a blog that just collects dust for no reason.

It’s time to answer the million-dollar question of what should I write about well this is actually a rather simple answer if your goal is to make money you need to create the content that other people are searching for on the internet every day millions of people type in searches into Google, Pinterest ,YouTube when looking for videos and articles and blog posts trying to solve their problems if you're able to serve that content to them the best and get to the top of those search engines well. First you start doing keyword research there's all sorts of tools on the internet to see how often people are typing in certain terms so we can see that people look for what.

A tool for keyword research is Chrome extension which is completely free, you can install and type into a search bar you will be able to see the volume of that search term being looked at.

You can upgrade to more professional tools like SCM rush and Google's keyword planner which will give you more accurate search data.

To get traffic to your blog there are lots of ways to get readers to your blog there's Pinterest,Facebook, Google SEO, YouTube, Instagram, guest blogging, email drips forums, snapchat and a lot more.

This doesn't mean you only have to post things that people are searching for there's room to create your own sort of unique content. Well someone passionate about fitness or passionate about documenting their financial journey or may be someone fascinated about marketing and sales and online businesses. Many people are excited about finding ways to travel hack or credit card hack and all these things etc. There is a long list of all the things that a lot of people are passionate about.

You would actually ask yourself what it you’re passionate about is. So right here, there is a list of some of the top affiliate programs to start off with when you are blogging.

 For example;

If you're passionate about photography or passionate in the cameras you could just start with affiliate program on Amazon where you could refer anything to Amazon and you could get paid for that.

Or if you are a mom and you are very passionate about your baby you could start selling like some baby products which is a good price point.

You just need to write a convincing content on this product and make money by certain products.

One of those is referral marketing if you directed buyers to the Amazon website through the link mentioned in your blog you could get paid from Amazon's affiliate program.

 Another one is if you just like recommending things so if you want to be like in the online jobs portal and you want to recommend people with jobs you will earn for every paid subscription that you send them.

Skillshare; A lot of people come and learn skills online so depending on what skill you like if it's cooking if it's eating if it's traveling if it's editing there's a skill out there that you could essentially sell.

Skillshare is one where you earn seven dollars for every new customer you refer to skillshare so that's pretty exciting.

Another one is freshbooks especially if you're serving like the online business and online marketing space we all need to figure out our accounting and the thing is instead of traditional accounting we now can use cloud accounting which is amazing but the thing is most people don't know about it.

So if you create a bunch of articles and you're very passionate about finances and building your own online business this is something that you could easily recommend as well where you could actually make money.  Another one is adobe, if you are an editor or a photographer, if you like to be on instagram or whatever you could actually recommended adobe like Photoshop in light room. You will get commissions as online creator. Another one is leadpages. If you are starting a blog you need to figure out how to capture the email so leadpages will actually give you of commissions every single month.

This passive income and the residual income is because you're recommending products that pay you on a monthly basis so if you want to start your blog and make money,  launch it.

 Another one is shopify. So many people did a lot of shopify back in the days.  But you can also make really good money by recommending this software to others. Many people want to start their own physical products businesses maybe they want to sell but they don't know exactly how to create their own e-commerce site.

Instead of you trying to start your own e-commerce site what if you were the one that teach them how to use shopify so this is another good one. It was a lot easier than actually starting an e-commerce site in my opinion.

 Another one is aweber you know this serves like the online entrepreneur community a lot of people need to send emails and this like leadpages pays you every single month.

You must need to know email autoresponders because everybody needs email marketing when it comes to an online business, so why not you’ll get a percentage of everybody's subscriptions. Imagine every single time you recommended Netflix to somebody and they bought it because of your recommendation.

 Of course if you like selling courses or if you think that you could serve the people that are selling courses, you could earn up to eleven hundred dollars per referral per year how amazing is that. You can just do marketing by your blog.

You need to find a way to sell that product which is your blog and then you need to find a way to market your project which is either pinterest or YouTube or Google and of course another one as well is teachable right and it gives 30 commissions with a 90-day cookie, meaning if anybody clicks on your link within 90 days they will give you money if they have bought so now that you have chosen your niche or the things that you're passionate about. 

There's so many ways to make money online. You just got to find a way to host it on a place where you could actually do the selling right

Another thing about the blog is it needs to have real estate online.  So for example, you know Starbucks they have to rent a building and then they could sell coffee or if you invest in a McDonald’s you would need to get the real estate on the right corner for you to be seen to the people that are actually going to buy McDonald’s.

Similarly, the thing about a blog is you need to have your own virtual online real estate that is you need to rent a piece of internet for your blog. You just have to pay three to five dollars a month.

It’s all right if you're a beginner you don't have to get start like a pro. It's not that hard everyone can start. You just need to find the right roads and the right intersections to put your skills and a lot of the places are for example pinterest as well as YouTube but let's take pinterest for now because it's like a lot easier especially if you're camera shy, for example if you wanted to sell best smart phones. You just need to create a powerful content and a list of best Smartphone 2021, and then insert products images accordingly. For pinterest it's very easy to create, you just go on canva which is absolutely free to make these images. You can make pinnable images for pinterest.

Editing software for adobe or Photoshop; editing software for photography or for YouTube and other social media platforms these are all the keywords that would give you ideas to create content. So that is one of the biggest secrets when it comes to marketing you don't have to invent what you're actually going to create content for to attract the audience to come and buy from you just literally need to type in and let the magic of pinterest search or YouTube search to find what contents that you should actually talk about and if you just type in the word best and then some type of keyword of people searching for that thing it's going to tell you all the things that you could create content for and then all you got to do is just look in pinterest and usually it's like 10 best something like watches, smart phones or some other baby products etc. 

This is something sounds like a dream but this is reality for many people, many of us have a successful journey through it, you just have some courage, patience and then chase your goal wisely.


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